WP Coursify Review – Create Your Own Udemy Like Course Selling Site

In the past years until now, online education has been a billion dollar industry. Yes! It is super huge market.

You might be familiar with popular websites like Udemy, Coursera, EdX, or Lynda.com. They earning millions of dollars every month. So, if you want to earn that big, make and publish your own online courses. Today, what I’m about to show you will help you make that happen.

Introducing WP Coursify!

This is the perfect software that helps you create your own educational site that sells online courses just like any other popular site. Amazing, right?

Wanna know more? Let’s go check this review!



  1. Add & Sell Unlimited Online Courses from Your Site – Whether you launch one site or multiple sites, you will be able to add unlimited courses to your site and sell them online. No limits on how many sales or courses you sell. Add all YOUR Courses in just a few minutes.
  1. Add Unlimited Students – Many products add limitations based on users.. we don’t. We want you to grow and profit from your business so with Coursify, you can sell to unlimited students, sell in any part of the world.
  1. Quick Course Maker – Publish A Course in 60 seconds – Our Quick Course Maker module has been designed for speed. You won’t have to manually paste codes and content, just give it a page URL and it will automatically fetch all videos from that page and turn it into a course…BOOM – just like that.
  1. Sell Video Courses, PDFs, Text + Image Content – There is absolutely no limit to what kind of content you can sell using this – video courses, PDF training, HTML or Rich Content, anything you want.
  1. Fully Protected – Secure Content Delivery – The content delivery is seamless – once the user buys a course, he has secure access to that course online and all its related resources & the courses is automatically added to his account.
  1. Simple Step by Step Course Creator – Course creation is simple – if you can copy paste content from one document to another, that’s the only skill you need. Adding text, images, videos is a piece of cake with WP Coursify.
  1. Add Unlimited Chapters & Modules per Course – There is no limit to how much content you can add to each course, unlimited modules & chapters. Break your course up into any parts you want. Complete freedom.
  1. Zero Transaction Fees, Monthly or Yearly Fees – We’re sick of platforms that take away upto 75% of your income as fees. Then there are others that take 5% to 10% on every sale. Crazy, I know. That’s why with WP Coursify, there is no fees, just download once & use forever.
  1. Sell Offline Courses & Enroll Students Online – This is not just for online courses, but if you run offline workshops and trainings, you can use Coursify to sell those online, take bookings and accept payments.
  1. Accept Payments via Paypal – Paypal is the world’s most popular way to pay easily and WP Coursify integrates seamlessly with Paypal for accepting payments.
  1. Offer Free Courses as Lead Magnets – The #1 way to grow your site is to get more users to signup and offering free courses is the best way to do that. Coursify lets you use free courses as lead magnets and grow your user base.
  1. Accept Offline Payments – Got customers who cannot pay online? No worries. Coursify lets customers make offline payments in cash or bank wire payments and the admin can manually enable/disable course access based on that.
  1. Intelligent Dashboard for Users & Admin – All your students, courses and detailed course stats are available in a beautiful dashboard for you to track and see everything in a single view.
  1. Detailed Revenue & Sales Reports – Want to see how your online business is doing? Coursify comes with complete reports and dashboard for sales. You can see daily, monthly and course-wise breakup of income and sales from within your dashboard.

Download WP Coursify now!

How Does It Work?

This is super easy to use. You just need to carefully follow the steps on this video:

Good Points

  1. Get full control of your business
  2. No hidden fees attached
  3. User friendly
  4. Responsive technical supportWPCoursify-

Bad Points

  1. Need stable internet connection
  2. Need to contact support desk if you have question


Take a big step now in making your own educational portal. Earn evergreen passive income now. GET Your copy of WP Coursify Here!